"YOU LIE!" (Updated)

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) has no respect.


Wilson issued a non-apology apology, stating that his outburst was spontaneous. However he stood by his assertion that Obama was in fact lying. At a cabinet meeting today Obama said that he accepted Wilson's "unequivocal" apology. I beg to disagree, Mr. President. Representative Wilson's apology was not unequivocal, he stands by his nonsense statement, and you should not accept an apology which is neither unequivocal nor truly an apology.

Tonight Keith Olbermann issued a Special Comment wherein he explains that the problem with Rep. Wilson's outburst is not its incivility but rather its stupidity. Indeed the GOP seems to have reached a point where being wrong - not just a little bit wrong, but completely wrong - and being wrong at the top of your voice has been elevated to a virtue, a strategy, and a way of being.

The bedrock of democracy is honest debate, but without honesty debate just devolves into a shouting match. We saw it during the 2008 campaign, we saw it at the tea parties, we saw it during the August town halls, and now we're seeing it on the floor of Congress. I'm open to an honest, earnest, even strident debate with the other side but how is that possible when the other side only has distortions, lies, and anger to offer?

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