What Happens When Abortion Is Illegal?

From Pharyngula, this story about a Queensland teenager who performed her own abortion. Now she is facing seven years in prison and has been personally attacked, her home firebombed.

This is something that abortion opponents rarely consider. Aside from do-it-yourself abortions, what abortion laws would lead to generally is young women in prison. And the anti-abortion movement means to impose these penalties in all cases including rape and incest. (Thanks Radioactive Quill for the link) Not only that, but Personhood Florida also wants to outlaw oral contraceptives. They assassinate doctors inside churches. They firebomb houses in Quesnsland. They push their agenda through intimidation and violence. They punish the victims of rape. They oppose aborting anencephalic fetuses. Everywhere they try to limit, restrict, criminalize, harass, intimidate, attack. Vocal opponents of abortion rights support domestic terrorism and are enemies of women's rights.

This isn't a choice issue. Women don't have the right to choose an abortion the same way I have a right to buy the cheapest pair of tube socks from Wal-Mart. It's a personal freedom issue. I can't take away someone's reproductive health rights, and you can't, and the government certainly cannot.

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